DYW Scottish Apprenticeship Week 25 Step into Future Jobs Careers Events 3rd & 6th of March

January 3, 2025

📣 Calling our #DYW Employer Network 🤝🏻

DYW LED is reaching out to ALL local Future Jobs employers within West Central Scotland, to support our upcoming Step into Future Jobs events taking place at City of Glasgow College, City Campus and South Lanarkshire College on the 3rd and 6th of March, respectively. ✅

The Scottish Apprenticeship Week Events will be a joint venture with our colleagues at the college, DYW Glasgow & DYW West (Developing the Young Workforce), and as such, will highlight the Scottish Government focus on young people as the catalyst for Future Emerging Jobs, Apprenticeships, Green Jobs and the move to Net Zero. ✅

The aim of the events is to provide senior phase S4-S6 secondary school pupils with a wider understanding of Apprenticeships, Future Emerging Jobs, and the Green & Sustainable Jobs Sector and the potential career opportunities in those fields, whilst hopefully inspiring them to select the relevant subjects and pathways at school that can lead to their chosen sector. 🏫

If you can support any of the events or would like to find out more information to get involved, then please reach out to the team on 📧 info@dywled.org or ☎️ 01698 400564. 👈🏻

#ScotAppWeek25 #inspire #future #apprenticeship #pathways